


Universities in Madagascar

Universities in Madagascar

If you are planning on studying here, the good news is you can do so. Students who wish to study here will need to obtain a student visa to do so. This is done through the government, but in most cases, the college or university you enroll into will help you through the process of applying for the visa. It is necessary to apply for a visa only after receiving the promise of enrollment.
There are several universities present in Madagascar. Those include:

  • Institut National de Sante Publique et Comunautaire (Communications)
  • Antananarivo University
  • Fianarantsoa University
  • Toliara University
  • Mahajanga University
  • Institute Superieur de Technologie d'Antananarivo (Technology)
  • Institut Superieur de la Communications, des Affaires et du Management Madagascar (Communications and Business)
Generally speaking, each of these universities will provide acceptance of international students. It is important to know, though, that many of these programs are newer and growing. It wasn't until the early 2000s that higher education was considered valuable here. For that reason, you may find some limitation in terms of access to some programs.

The buildup of the school year depends on the school, but most programs begin enrollment in August and the programs will run through June of the following year. However, short term options and full time education (including year round education) are some options. Most students will study for two or three years to earn the equivalent of a bachelor's degree. Masters and graduate degree programs are also available especially in the areas of business, health, sciences, and technology. These programs last one or two years, but additional study can continue.

In terms of costs most education is available at a low cost. Private universities tend to be higher in cost, but still remain moderately priced and average for the region. Free education is not available to international students, though. Students who are traveling to study here also have to supply their own health insurance and provide the visa registrar with proof of your ability to pay for your living expenses while in the country.

After graduating from the university, individuals may have the ability to remain in the country to work. There are employment opportunities available for those with a higher education degree, especially in research programs, the health industry, and business development (growing sectors in the country.) Additionally, the area that is suffering from deforestation and agricultural overuse often has a demand for those who can help improve these circumstances.

Studying in Madagascar can be an exciting opportunity. There are a variety of opportunities present for those who have a dedication to their field. The rich culture, availability of education, and numerous long term options are all reasons to enroll here. Students should consider these opportunities for international study.


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